Fee Policies

Admission Fee Policies :

  • School fees are fixed by the Governing body and are likely to be revised if found necessary.
  • No pupil will be allowed to sit in the promoted class if the fees for the previous class are due.
  • In case of child’s removal from school, Transfer Certificate will not be issued until his/her dues have been cleared.
  • The installments must be paid before 15th of April, September , December ,failing which late fee will be charged @1 % (One percent) per month of previous installment's amount from due date. This will be followed very strictly.
  • If all dues are not cleared by the end of the session, the student's result will be withheld.
  • Duplicate fee slip will be issued from the school office on Payment of Rs. 10.
  • For Online School Fee Payment:


Security Deposit
Security Deposit will be refunded only if application of withdrawal is duly submitted to the Principal in writing, by 7th March in the last Academic year at THE CENTRAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL.Security deposit will be refunded only after the completion of the annual audit i.e. after 31st July.No mid year applications will be entertained for security refund under any circumstances. All refunds will be addressed to after the end of the academic year.Parents will be liable to pay the fees for the next academic year, if application of withdrawal is not duly submitted to the Principal in writing, by 7th March in the last Academic year at THE CENTRAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL.
The rules and regulations
The rules and regulations formulated by THE CENTRAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL construe for smooth and effective functioning of the school. THE CENTRAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL , reserves all rights to amend the fee and set regulations when needed and found necessary. The information given in the school's brochure and application material is an indication of THE CENTRAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL 's , intent as on the date of publication of this document. The contents of this policy should not to be construed as a binding contract upon THE CENTRAL HEIGHTS SCHOOL and cannot be legally challenged.

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